Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gap Between 2010 and 2012

Bob's daughter, Sonia Muñoz, visited this morning while I was doing my physical therapy. She remembered that I was "out of it" the last time I had surgery. I remember that visit and, in fact, I told everyone last week that I would probably not have the mental faculties to appreciate visitors while in the hospital.

Turns out that we had a great visit and I loved hearing about the wedding yesterday of Linda Hughes and Mike Longley. My knee bends beyond 100 degrees already and I had to be told to go up and down stairs one leg at a time, for now at least, until the incision heals. I can walk up and down stairs fairly normally but I'll wait until I get the OK to do so. I walk easily between my bed and the bathroom and tolerate the CPM machine for two hours at a time, whereas in 2010 I couldn't stand using it at all.

Some of the changes I know about:
  • quadriceps tendon isn't touched during surgery, as it was last time. This may explain my ability to lift my leg right away.
  • joint was loaded up with pain medication and antibiotics right after surgery.
  • pain medication was much lighter than the last time.
  • acupuncture
  • I practiced all the moves I thought I would need after surgery.
  • My right knee is strong.
  • I'm very lucky!
I interrupted this post to work with Katy, the occupational therapist. We tried everything either one of us could think of, including getting in and out of a tub shower which I can take as soon as tomorrow. I figured I shouldn't mention changing cat litter! I hope I can offload that task for a few days.

The chaplain intern, Matthew Dahl, prayed with me but, as hard as I tried (without asking a direct question), I couldn't find out where he is a seminary student. He made the sign of the cross with me after I told him I'm a Catholic, but I wasn't sure of his Christian denomination from the style and content of the prayer. I do know he's at the beginning of his seminary studies and he seems pretty good to me.

Nurse Anne told me I'm set to go as soon as she has my take-home drugs. There's quite a lot to load into the car, including me. I tried to put on jeans but they were uncomfortable over the dressing so I changed to my old black cotton stretch pants. A lovely look that no one will be imitating anytime soon.

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